Modeling the factors affecting the economics of cooperatives with a combined approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Academic Member of Allame Tbatbayee University

2 Academic Member of Supreme National Defense University

3 PhD. student at Futurology in Supreme National Defense University. and author responsible

4 Academic Member of Tarbiat Modarres University


Human has always been looking for an ideal economic system. The experiences of the  two past centuries well reveal that neither capitalism as the symbol of private capital and ownership nor socialism that considers private ownership as the root cause of social disorders, have proved success in social and economic justice or equality. As a result, the initial ideas for formation of cooperative was promoted to get rid of the existing unjust capital system. Since cooperative economic system bears by itself the notion of collective participation and group economic activity, it is imperative to analyze the factors involved in the cooperative economy. Accordingly, the aim of the present research is to determine the factors that affect cooperative economy and thus provide a model to show how these factors interrelate. To do this, an exploratory mixed research design was employed. In qualitative part, using meta-synthesis purposive method, 37 initial codes were identified. In quantitative part, the identified indices were fuzzified. Using fuzzy Delphi technique and structural- interpretive modeling analysis, the identified interrelationships were then analyzed on an integrated basis. For modeling, a researcher-made questionnaire was administered to extract the ideas of the concerned experts through purposive snowball sampling until the theoretical saturation point. The research findings resulted in a six-level grouping of the factors that affect cooperatives economy. The model was interpreted and analyzed to deal with the identified levels and their interrelationships. Finally, some solutions were provided for sustainability of the factors that affect cooperatives economy.


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