Setting up and Scaning In The Railways Of The Islamic Republic Of Iran In Transit

Document Type : Original Article


1 Academic Member of Supreme National Defense University

2 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University


ccording to Articles 25 and 26 of the Sixth Development Plan, announced by the Supreme Leader, clauses 9, 10 and 11 of the general policies of the resistance economy4 is directing to expand foreign trade services, transit development, based on the general policies of the government in the scope of year of 1404 and achieving a greater share of the international transportation market and taking necessary steps to reduce reliability of national budget on oil sales revenue, the expansion of international transit to earning foreign exchange for custodian sectors including I.R.I Railways is mandatory. A glance at the performance statistics of the last ten years on the road and rail, despite all the efforts made, shows the ups and downs, but with a decrease in regression. Supervision on situations of our international corridors and programs of countries which are sharing these corridors and having information on plans and programs of competitors countries emphasize on the use of futures research methods especially monitoring in organizing the mentioned situation.
Designing and using a monitoring system can determine the shape and type of required actions without interruption in the existing measures and structure by collecting and analyzing the data. The present study is qualitative in terms of developmental purpose and application and tries to use the foundation data method by relying on the basis of existing facts and facts through systematic data collection. In addition with the collection of the required data, components, structure and architecture of the system has been achieved


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