An analysis the Role of the Defense Field in the Economic Growth and Development of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 General Manager of presidency office - BHRC

2 Associate Professor and faculty member of the Supreme National Defense University

3 Graduate in Supreme National Defense University


The subject of "economic growth and development" and, in the words of the Supreme Leader Khamenei, "economic progress" addressed the fundamental issues and challenges of the fifth decade of life, blessed with the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this regard, the defense field in various societies is one of the most important institutions that sometimes directly and indirectly affect economic activities and play a significant role in the growth and development of the economic flourishing of societies. As this role plays a significant role in peace, as far as the different approaches of governments are concerned with the extent and manner of using the defense field in various domestic and international economic activities.
The researcher identifies and examines different dimensions of the role of the defense field in economic growth and development c. AA. He addressed the sample community based on the research method and provided it to the elites familiar with the topics of economic growth and economic development. The statistical population of this study is 350 people who were collected by library and field methods using questionnaire and interview tools. Research data have been compiled using descriptive and inferential statistics. In this study, based on the aggregation of opinions of economic experts and experts, the role of defense in the country's economic activities in two parts of approaches and effects were assessed and analyzed so that five approaches and five main effects in this regard were counted and presented.


  • الف. منابع دینی

    • قرآن مجید
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    ب. منابع فارسی

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