The Knowledge-Based Economy of the Way Out of the Oil-Dependent Economy; A Model and Solutions

Document Type : Original Article


Graduated Ph.D. in Knowledge Strategic Management Supreme National Defense University


According to the intellectual system of Iran’s Supreme Leader, following a scientific and localized model can help the country conquer the imposed economic war.Accordingly,the present research aims to explain a knowledge-based economy and an appropriate model, along with providing executive strategies to be followed by authorities and organizations.Theresearch has presented amodel for a knowledge-based economy by collecting the viewpoints of the Supreme Leader and other religious and Islamic resources and scientific references.A mixed approach was used by statistical analysis of asample of 240economic experts using structural equations.The main factors included (1)requirements, (2)activists,(3)infrastructures, and(4)main pillars(cores).The requirements included directors, goals, fundamentals and strong value bases, culture creation.and supportive culture,changing paradigms and strategic approaches,a strong and continuous relationship between universities,institutions,and industry, and creating a competitive environment and valuing competitiveness.Moreover,activists consisted of knowledge-related or learning individuals, knowledge-oriented and learning family,informative and knowledge-oriented society, knowledge-based and entrepreneur universities and research institutions, knowledge-based and entrepreneur government.The infrastructures also included a flexible andknowledge-based economic motivation regime and institutional system, information and communication technology(ICT), knowledge firms.and knowledge-based organizations,knowledge industries.and knowledge-based industries,and growth centers,and science.and technology parks.and cities.The main pillars also included knowledge management, science, technology,study,and research and development(R&D)management, human resource development.and education,learning.and being learner,innovation,and entrepreneurship.The results indicated that the main pillars,having a factor loading of 0.84,had the most impact on the knowledge-based economy.Therefore,authorities and decision-makers are recommended to focus on these main pillars,while paying attention to other factors,to make the systems more economic-based and to exploit knowledge effectively and to get rid of the oil-based economy.


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