Investigating the effect of the indicators of the culture of the Islamic Revolution in the formulation of defense and security programs of the Sixth Development Plan

Document Type : Original Article


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2 d


The realization of Islamic values and patterns in society is the main and fundamental goal of the Islamic Revolution. Considering that the most important macro-plans of the Islamic Republic for the development of the country are five-year development plans, For this purpose, one of the reliable ways to monitor the overall movement of the system towards the goals of the Islamic Revolution can be considered as a review of five-year development plans in terms of the effectiveness of the indicators of Islamic culture in their development. The question of this research is "Have the indicators of Islamic culture been effective in developing the defense and security sections of the sixth five-year development plans?". The type of applied research and to investigate this issue, a purely descriptive method has been used to explain the indicators of the culture of the Islamic Revolution and a descriptive-analytical method has been used to investigate the effectiveness of these indicators in developing development plans. The statistical population includes the Holy Quran, books of hadiths of the Imams and the statements of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution, some of which are discussed in the statistical sample. Based on the results obtained from this study, the programs of the defense and security sectors in the Sixth Development Plan of the country have been affected by the indicators of the culture of the Islamic Revolution; It can be said that 12% of these programs were directly influenced by the culture of the Islamic Revolution and in other words originated from this culture and 88% were contrary to the culture of the Revolution. They did not have Islam.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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