Functions of the Cultural System of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Hossein University

2 PhD. Student in Cultural Systems Engineering at Imam Hossein University


IRGC (Iran Republic Guard's Corps) is preserver of IRI outputs, so its missions is very different. One of the essential & effective missions of IRGC is soft mission, in other word this mission is against cultural attacks from contrary.
Despite of importance of this mission and existence of different & active organizations in doing the delegated mission, unfortunately in spite of lack of general cultural systems in IRGC, importance of it becomes double. With planning pattern of IRGC cultural systems, part of leadership stressful about cultural subjects in country remove. In such way centers & cultural echelons of IRGC organize and the tasks, functions, responsibilities of each echelons is determined, so the condition and course of action in cultural subjects facilitate and the tasks is done with serious & sensitive manner.  
   As regard to importance of cultural matters, the researcher determines functions of IRGC ' cultural systems at this article. The present research is descriptive & analytic with library method and its tools is questionnaire with sample volume, n=86 in three branches, namely managers at strategic or operation levels and finally at faculty professors and university elites in relation with the subject of this article.
Achieved results of this research indicates that the functions of cultural systems of IRGC and four subsystem bellow them, including cultural engineering subsystem, other systems, training, developing cultural managers, confirm and appointments


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