Providing a strategic model for the administration of industry and mining based on the Imam's discourse and leadership

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University


Economics is one of the most important components of the power and capability of any country, and economic indicators are considered as a criterion for measuring the national power of countries. One of most important factors in a country's economic power is its production. The Islamic Republic of Iran, which has rich production resources, can increase its economic power to the desired level by using these resources properly and managed. One of most important factors in the prosperity of production in the Islamic Republic, like any other country, is industrial production, which plays a major role in national production. The main purpose of this article is to explain the doctrine, goals and policies of production boom in the discourse of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei with an analytical and descriptive approach. The research method of this article is based on the basic theory (foundation data) in order to extract the concepts of the discourse of the Imams of the Revolution and the relevant upstream documents such as the constitution and general communication policies. The extraction of discourse concepts of this researcher has led to the determination of principles, goals and policies, the framework of orienting and strategic elements of production in the form of 3 principles, 8 goals and 14 policies. The results of this study show that the central point in the prosperity of "economic dignity" production in the sense of authority, independence and self-reliance is the central signifier that is connected to other concepts as a basic concept.


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