Explain the pattern National Knowledge Network Using the Grounded theory And fuzzy Dematel

Document Type : Original Article


1 Academic Member of Malek Ashtar University

2 Ph.D. student in Supreme National Defense University


Knowledge networks with their capabilities can quickly and accurately connect all relevant individuals and departments by networking knowledge bases so that they can use each other's knowledge and experience in all their issues. According to existing definitions, knowledge networks rather than knowledge creation emphasize the sharing of knowledge within the organization and the integration of external resources. The purpose of this study is to design a national knowledge network among the Armed Forces using fuzzy dimensional data base Grounded Theory. According to the study, the design of the National Knowledge Network of the Armed Forces has three dimensions of prerequisites, enablers, and achievements that include prerequisites: vision, ethics, and organizational culture. The enablers dimension includes: structure, infrastructure, support of the senior manager of the organization and human resources and the achievements include processes, scientific communication and knowledge base. The results from the fuzzy DEMATEL show that the "culture" is the most influential component and the "processes" are the most impressilbe component and the most important component in the model, as well as the components of "organizational culture", "ethics" ( Theism, "vision", "supreme management support and commitment", "human capital", "infrastructure" and "structure" in the components of cause and "scientific communication", "processes (knowledge management, supply and Demand for Knowledge), "Knowledge Base", were grouped in the Disabled Components group, and finally, using the full-fuzzy Relationship Matrix, a grid diagram of inter-component communication was also drawn


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