Characteristics of the Knowledge base defense from the Perspective of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of the Shamsipoor Institute and responsible Author

2 Assistant Professor of the National Defense University

3 . Graduated Ph.D. in Supreme National Defense University


The purpose of this study is to examine the views and ideas of the Supreme Leader Regarding knowledge management and presentation of Characteristics of the Knowledge base defense. In this research to answer the question of” Which is  Characteristics of the Knowledge base defense from the perspective of the Supreme Leader”? Content analysis (quantitative and qualitative) and foundation data method have been used. To achieve the ideas of the Supreme Leader, First of all, we refer to the collection of statements and writings of the Supreme Leader. In the next step, using the Graded Theory, data analysis was performed. Data analysis in this method consists of three steps (open coding, central coding and selective coding). The findings of this study indicate that from the perspective of the Supreme Leader, To manage knowledge and build a defense system Knowledge base, Activities such as setting up a science cycle and setting up knowledge-based companies are essential And applying the principles of knowledge management, such as: Acquiring knowledge and defense technology, creating knowledge and boiling knowledge, turning technology into mass production, turning science into a product and also Establishment of a database in the Ministry of Defense, Data Integration, Dealing with sanctions, Building an administrative system as Knowledge base and Pay attention to knowledge and competence in Appointment of managers.


  • الف. منابع دینی

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