Providing a Comprehensive Health Information Management System Model with an Emphasis on a Comprehensive Information Management System

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. and Academic Member of Payame Noor

2 Ph.D. and Academic Member of the Medicine faculty in Medical Sciences University , Golestan province

3 Ph.D. and Academic Member of Azad Eslami University

4 Graduated Ph.D. in Strategic Management Supreme National Defense University and responsible Author


Information, knowledge and innovation management is the engine of economic development of countries and organizations. In developing countries, a strategic approach to information and knowledge management in different areas, including the services, either does not exist or is weak.Therefore, in this study we aim to recommend health insurance organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran models with emphasis on information management in the field of health organizations by studying and evaluating organizational knowledge management.
This paper is a type of applied and developmental research in terms of the purpose, and the research method used is a descriptive-survey method which is one of the methods of descriptive research.On the other hand, the combined method (quantitative andqualitative) with the aim of achieving dimensions, components and indicators of the model of comprehensive knowledge management system of health insurance organization with emphasis on the comprehensive information management system was used and the required information and data were collected from Scientific documents, upstream scriptsand questionnaire.The size of the society, including managers, experts of insurance organizations at the stage of the questionnaire, counted 270 people. Using Morgan table, 159 people were selected as sample. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, factor analysis, one-sample t-test, binomial distribution test, and Liserel software was used for fitting the research model. Results show that the model of comprehensive knowledge management system of a health insurance organization emphasizes comprehensive information management system, including dimensions of knowledge management, data and comprehensive information management system.
Based on the results of the ranking test, the most important components of knowledge management (structure, process and content management knowledge),  information management aspect (infrastructure, function, system, quality factors). About data aspect, exchange, environment and data levels are also the most important components. Priority to all indicators of each component was also determined to establish a model in the organization


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