Explaining the Policy Model of Iran's Bunkering Industry Development (with a resistance economy approach) Using the Foundation Data Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor at Tarbiat Modares University

2 Graduated Ph.D. in Policy Management, University of Tehran

3 Graduated Ph.D. in Strategic Management Supreme National Defense University


Despite Iran's capacities in the Bunker industry and its role in resistive economy policies, Iran has not been able to achieve its desirable position in this industry. Part of Iran's insignificant share of the bunkring in the Persian Gulf is due to the lack of comprehensive policy efforts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain the policy making of the development of Iran's Bunkering industry and identify the factors and conditions that should be considered in policy making. Collected data is qualitative and based on the data theory approach. The data gathering method is a deep interview with 16 active experts in the Bunkering area and snowball sampling was done. Data analysis was performed in three stages of open coding, selective coding, and axial coding.
After open coding, concepts and categories were extracted. In the central coding step, the Bunkering industry development policy has been considered as the main category and the causal conditions, the empowering policies (8 policies), the facilitating policies (5 policies), intermediary policies(5 Policy) and Consequences of Bunkering Industry Development are presented.


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