Model of Implementation of Country Policy Documents Based on Imam Khamenei's Views and Thoughts

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Ph.D. in Strategic Management of Supreme National Defense University and responsible Author

2 Imam hossein university

3 Associate Professor of Supreme National Defense University

4 Associate Professor of the Imam Hossein University


The purpose of this article is to deduce and develop a model for the implementation of the country's political documents based on Imam Khamenei's views and thoughts.
This research is an applied and qualitative research that after reviewing the literature on policy implementation, using the grounded theory method for Islamic studies from Imam Khamenei's lectures since 1989 By 2018, data were collected and deduced using coding (open, axial, and selective), 200 concepts, 50 components, and 13 dimensions.
Finally, the conceptual model of the implementation of the country's policy documents with 5 categories "Causal factors and prerequisites"; "Contextual Factors"; "Inhibiting Factors"; "Process Factors and Requirements" And "insights and attitudes Factors " are presented and each of the categories is explained using Imam Khamenei's statements.

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